A photograph of the deceased Diplme Sharma (left), and the two accused (with muffled faces) in police custody at Ludhiana on Saturday.
Ludhiana, August 10, 2013: Police today claimed to have solved the “missing” mystery of Dimple Sharma alias Sonia, wife of Rajiv Sharma, residing in the area of Police Post Merado here. Ironically, police investigations revealed that “lust” for having a male baby led the husband with the help of his close friend to kill his wife after throwing into a canal.
According to official information received here today, Rajesh Kumar, resident of Gurdaspur had complained to the local police that his sister Dimple was married to Rajiv about eight years ago. The couple had two daughters. But, Rajiv and his parental family members were allegedly harassing mentally and physically Dimple for not giving birth to a male baby. He told that community settlements had arrived between the two families after the disputes many a times.
On August 2 this year, Dimple made a call to her brother Rajesh informing that her husband and a close friend Neeraj Sharma who worked as a sweeper in a local bank branch were consuming liquor at home. She also informed her brother that the duo were having a dispute with her.
The very next day at around 6 am, Rajiv did a phone call to Rajesh informing that Dimple had gone to temple last evening and did not return. On arriving here, Rajesh searched for his sister, he also met his brother-in-law Rajiv. The later was changing his statement one after another. On August 4, a report about the Dimple’s missing was lodged at Police Post Merado here.
Finally, thorough police investigations led to the arrest of the accused Rajiv Sharma and Neeraj Sharma. Both the accused have been arrested on the charges of murdering Dimple. Rajiv informed the police that on August 2 when his wife Dimple was little bit unwell then he gave her some Soporous drug after filling it in capsules following which Dimple went asleep.
Rajiv further confessed to the police that when his wife was asleep he alongwith his friend Neeraj Sharma took her to Delhi road, Karnal in the Neeraj’s car and threw her in West Yamuna Canal near Village Uchana Bridge. He also confessed before the police that he had removed ear rings of his wife before throwing her into canal. Police have recovered these ear rings, said a police official at a press conference here today. Police have also recovered the Dimple’s mobile phone, SIM Card and a car (used in the crime).
Further police investigation is in progress.